

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Big 30

89 Days
51,289 hours
128,160 minutes

Until I am 30 for some reason the big 3-0 is bugging me. Why I cant really say! A good friend of mine said its possibly because I had a plan for my life, and where I wanted to be at 30 and I am not there so its bugging me. Age has always bugged me, I cried when I turned 22; I wanted to be 21 forever.  So why is 30 bugging me? 

I have a good job with an awesome boss and I honestly Love going to work, who could ask for more? I have two beautiful daughters who are everything to me, but I want two more.  I have a husband who don't cheat, beat or does drugs; he holds a steady job and provides for us. I drive a new (brand new) truck that is more than I could ever ask for. I have some really awesome friends who are the best ever.

So...what am I missing? My life isn't perfect, we make messes, mistakes, we get into arguments, we make up but its a good life more than I could ask for.

WHY IS TURNING 30 BOTHERING ME SO??? I want to scream this because I simply don't know why!! LOL I know its silly and those who already turned 30 say its easy so I don't know why its so hard for me to turn 30!!

Friends ask if I want a party, no/yes I do. I dont know! LOL

Ok now that I have ranted to the point I am not making much sense I am going to get off here, go to bed and try to not let this bother me.

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