

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

NKJV Matthew Chapter 1

I told you I was going to keep this going. I want you to hold me accountable.

We actually had a white Christmas and in Texas you know thats a big deal!

Chapter 1 Starts with the Genealogy of Abraham and then the end starts with Mary & Joseph. Just a few short verses and Mary is pregnant, Joesph is going to divorce her and then an Angel appears. Then you find my S.O.A.P. for the day. Also the last verse in the chapter...says " But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son" i wonder if this is because of the customs of the times, or to preserve the miracle from God. Was he instructed not to do that?


Matthew 2: 21
She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.

Before Christ was even born...we were HIS people!

We just spent the last 24hrs opening gifts, eating too much and spending time with family and hopefully thinking about Jesus birth. I know with all that going on it kind of gets lost. For us the celebration was cut really short due to snow, ice and rain. So we didn't get to read the Christmas Story or sing Jesus Happy Birthday. But Yesterday was the start of something Fantastic. FORGIVENESS, EVER LASTING LIFE!


Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day, Thank you for sending your son to die for our sins, Thank you for life ever lasting. Thank you for covering all our sins.  I ask now for forgiveness for my sins.


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