

Thursday, December 13, 2012

2 Horses, 1 Butt

After today's Bible Study I realized something. I cannot serve two masters, I cannot dedicate my self to two things that are so far removed from each other that they only touch in likeness. I cannot keep my self this busy, this worried, this this this stressed over two things. One is a passion that she good at..the other something from my past I guess I haven't exactly let go yet.
Today I am....1 Ass..Riding two Horse
I know kinda crude saying ass when I been doing bible study post, but i am actually quoting from one of my fav movies...Sweet Home Alabama (ya know next to the twilight moves...of course).
So here it is... I am trying to play two games at one time, I cant I can only commit to one. Market Goat or Dairy Goat. I know your probably thinking...ummm all of this is about goats? Well when you spent 8,890 a year on them ya...its kinda about goats.
Market Goats- I ruled this, no big major win but this was my domain back in the day that I knew, and now 13 years later I don't know it so much. This particular division is new to us, my daughter has shown and kicked some major butt in the other division and honestly that's where her heart is. So this division is where I am putting most of my effort into when my loyalty lives with the other.
Dairy Goats- For 5 years now we have raised, shown and done really well with these little guys. My girls love them, show them and well the little one eat sleeps and breaths a particular wether in this division named Oreo. My loyalty lies here, we enjoy it here and the market goats while nice and big are causing a rift in our family unit.
So my decision...we choose one horse.  Dairy Goats. I have put the market goats up for sale, and I spent an hour just on my does tonight...do you know how long that has been? It felt good to get back to what we love the most.
So thanks for hanging with me for a bit..I pray that this is the path God wants us to go down. I think I had to start down this market goat path to close a door and to shut off a part of my life I hadn't really done yet. Everything Happens for a reason. The president of our club & leader of my daughters 4H dairy club wife (Jill @ blessed beyond a doubt) suggested this bible study on her blog...so I accepted the challenge. That bought me here to more revelations than I imagined possible. So see..we are all connected in God. 

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