

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NKJV Luke 7

In Chapter 7 we see the works of Jesus, healing the blind, raising the dead and forgiving the sinful woman. She anointed his feet with perfume and wiped his feet with her tears. My Verse today come after this one..Luke 7:47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven - for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little. This verse intrigued me, Can you explain it to me? Please comment and give me your insight


Luke 7:48
Then Jesus said to her, "Your Sins Are Forgiven"

Our Sins They are forgiven..just like that...all we have to do is ask!

Our Sermon on Sunday was about "Re-Do's", we would all love one of those one time or another and sometimes no matter how bad the experience they made us grow. Think of the sin that makes your cringe the most, come on I know you got them. I do! Maybe it was being rude to a lady who didn't deserve it, or cheating a friend, or a bad breakup. Even the smallest sin can keep us up at night. All We have to do is ask...then our sins are forgiven. Accepting Christ into our hearts and lives transforms us and gives us that redo we all need..and most importantly forgiveness for our sins. We can live eternally because of God's sacrifice of His son for our sins. I spent may years on the Rodeo/Livestock Circuit and I am there again now with my kids...one of my fav memories is when the show starts...a prayer is prayed and most likely its the cowboys prayer. At the end it says "Welcome to Heaven Cowboy...your entry fees have been paid" that part always gave me chills and a tear would come to my eye. Because if we believe in God, accept Him into our hearts and ask forgiveness...our entry fees are paid!!!

Dear Lord,

My sins are great, my heart heavy, and my list long. I ask that you forgiven me for my sins..I have so many..I ask for your forgiveness and help to not repeat them again. I ask that you help me forgive those who have trespassed against me...I need to forgive them even if I don't want to .


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