

Monday, December 24, 2012

NKJV Luke 24

Well Its Christmas Eve. We went to the candlelight service, had dinner with the familia, saw lights and a live Nativity scene (with no animals, that's weird) and now eggs are bowling on the stove for my food tomorrow, the Christmas story has been playing on a loop on TBS and Chandler is sitting in her new bean bag ( Thanks Logan) and eyeing the cookies that are set out for Santa. Reindeer food has been sprinkled and our usual call to NORAD to see where Santa is has been made.

Its been busy to say the least, but here I am at the last day in my Luke bible study. Well Its not my last. I have really enjoyed this and I am going to move on the Mathew until I get tired of New Testament. I want to read Psalms and Proverbs as my fav verses come from those chapters so stay tuned as I have learned so much from this experience that I don't want to give up! I am growing as a mother, wife and Christian. I am going back to where I below and while the devil may tempt me I wont let him win. I am asking for you to hold me accountable.

In Chapter 24 we find Jesus is gone from the tomb and in place two Angels who speak with the 3 women who come with spices to the tomb. Once new is spread Jesus makes an appearance to Simon and then the 11 disciples.


Luke 24:5
In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but he men said to them " Why do you look for the living among the dead?"6 He is not here, He is Resin.......

Here is where I have a question. The women were told he would rise on the 3rd day, so why did they go preparing to see him there. Did they doubt? Loose faith? Or did they go to prepare him for when he did rise?

Jesus died for our sins, so we may live again. He paid the ultimate price for all current and future sins all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and we are forgiven! Ask and you shall receive!


Dear Lord,

Here we are on the eve of Jesus birth, reading about His death and resurrection. From Start to finish, beginnings to end... He was born so I could live gain, all I have to do is ask for forgiveness.  Lord I ask for forgiveness for my sins, they are many and great and too many to list. One in particular is Grouchiness especially towards my husband and kids. I ask that you forgive me for that and the opportunity to make it up to them.  Lord as we celebrate Jesus birth let us not forget the real reason of this season, let us not be blinded by santa and presents and to let us see the gloriousness of this day.


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