

Thursday, December 27, 2012

NKJV Matthew 2-4

The snow has finally melted but our temps are still in the 30's :(
While I love the cooler wether, in the 30's is not my idea of great weather.  I am finally returning to work after a 5 day weekend, it was wonderful and busy!! The days passed so quickly because we always had some ware to be and some one to meet. It passed in a blur

Chapter 2-4 Finds us over many different situations, I know i read more than I should but it sounded so much like Luke I couldn't put it down. Jesus is born and Harrod sends out wise men to find him so Herrod can worship him, when the wise men find him they worship Jesus and do not return to Herrod as the angels commanded of him.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus flee to Egypt to escape Herrod. In their absence Herrod kills all boys under the age of 2 in Bethlehem. The verses about Rachel crying and not being able to be consoled struck me because all us moms know our hearts would be broken just like hers. I wonderful if they were blessed with more children to replace the ones they lost? Not the replacing eases any wounds but it was just thought. John the baptist then baptises Jesus and the heavens open up and the spirit of God can be felt. Jesus then goes into the wilderness to fast for 40 days and 40 nights and during that time the devil test Jesus' faith and claims about who he says he is...each time Jesus responds with Scripture.


Matthew 3: 17
And behold a voice, from heaven said " This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased"

I know I have choose this verse before but I want God to be well pleased with me!!

In order to be find Gods favor we must live the righteous life or at least try to stay on that straight path. We must first accept Christ as our personal Lord and savior, follow in believers baptism and repent our sins.

Dear Lord,

I thank you for this day, I pray for those that need to find you that they will and I also say a special prayer today for Ann, Lord. She lost her daughter this morning and I know her heart is breaking. I ask that you comfort her and give her the support she needs, for like Rachel her crying can be herd and she cant be comforted. Please Lord give her that comfort and support, I know you will. I take a moment to thank you for my two girls Lord, and I ask that you continue to bless them and us with good health.  I pray all that seek you will find you, all those that repent will find forgiveness and all of those who need comfort Lord that they be open to feel it when you give it.


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