

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

NKJV Luke 14

Better Late than Never! I am still sick and the wether makes me want to stay in bed!!! I got up late, took a shower late and I even took my bible to work to try and get this done there....work had other plans :(
But here I am! In my living room listening to my mother read my kids a bed time story via cell phone...every night, dogs are snoring and the hubs flipping channels but I am here and I am not going to skip a day. I am quite proud of my self ...I haven't stuck with something like this....yay!

Chapter 14 Finds us on the Sabbath at a Pharisee's house having dinner, again the discussion of healing on the sabbath comes up as he heals a man with dropsy ( had to look this one up, but its a condition basically swelling in legs, usually associated with congestive heart failure). He then gives several parables on how to honor those who cannot do anything for you, that's were you will find our riches.


Luke 14: 11
For everyone who exalts him self will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

Well those who don't expect it will be exalted, and those who expect it will be humbled.

Too many people in this days society expect the best and think they deserve when they don't. That being said they are often humbled and humiliated but those who do what they do and don't expect to be exalted or praised will be. Maybe not right then but later. So we must do what is required of us and what is right even when no one is looking. Which is often hard to do.


Dear Lord,

Far too often we expect praise for our works, but instead we need to do them and forget about being praised. We need to do them because its right and what you want us to do. Help me in that Lord, help me to do what you command and want us to do even when no one is looking. Help us to be humbled and not expect exaltation.


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