

Sunday, December 16, 2012

NKJV Luke 18

* This Post was originally written on Saturday Dec 15th, but due to illness wasn't posted until today. Doc says its phenomena. The Observation - Prayer was recited and written here today Sunday Dec 16th*

Well here I am still sick but determined to feel better! I honestly don't htink I am sick enough to go to the doctor but the hubs is forcing me. Today my heart is also heavy for those who lost their kids.If you like most the people I know you still hugging your kids.

Chapter 18 Finds Jesus telling lots of parables, he speaks often through them and sometimes its easier to find his true meaning in them. Today's verse is not the one that really stuck out to me but the one that touched my heart. Possible due to recent events in the news.


Luke 18: 16-17
But Jesus called the children to him and said , " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth , anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.

Children were just as important if not more to Jesus...you cannot enter into heave with out child likeness.

We must have child like innocence to accept and receive God and to enter his Kingdom.

Dear Lord,

Given the recent events I ask for your healing power for the parents in CT, I ask that you wrap your arms around them and hold them when they cry. I ask that while no pain will ever feel greater than a loss of a child I ask that they don't forget you in this time Lord. Give them the strength to go on, and the faith to know you are always there. I thank you for my children who came home safe and sound Lord and to help me not to take advantage of that ever again.  Heal them Lord.


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