

Saturday, December 1, 2012

NKJV Luke 5

In Chapter 5 we learn about God calling is first disciples, Simon's net filling to the brim with fish and almost breaking, Jesus calls them to follow and they do. He heals a man with Leprosy, a paralytic and forgives the mans friends sins because of their faith in Jesus. Jesus also calls out Levi the tax collector (in this section comes my verse for the day). In the last verses of Chapter 5 Jesus is questioned about John's disciples fasting and the disciples with Jesus not fasting.

The Devil sure don't want me reading the word of God or spending much time in prayers today but I wont let him win...I wont! It maybe 2:20pm and I maybe late in doing this, but by golly I am .

Luke 5: 31-32
Jesus answered them, "It is not he healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

How many times do we shy away from witnessing to those who are not desirable? How many times we do judge a member of the church for their clothes and think they are not worthy of attendance? How many times we do go toward the more approachable instead of those we don't want to approach?

Jesus wasn't calling the righteous people out in that dinner, he was with those that everyone considered evil or not worthy and bringing them to repentance. We are quick to believe bad news of those who look like they deserve it than those who look like they don't. How many "Good" men do bad things and get away with it because they look like they are good or in high with the church? We need to stop judging a book by its cover, and see that we are all equal in Christ we all are worth salvation and forgiveness for our sins.

Dear Lord,

I thank you for the forgiveness of my sin for I don't deserve it, help me to spread your word to everyone who will hear it and to look past the outer cover and see the person you made inside.


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