

Saturday, December 8, 2012

NKJV Luke 11

Chapter 11 is where we read may of the passages we so commonly hear and see on pictures and such.

Hope you all are enjoying your weekend, its a beautiful Saturday here in the south and I am making feed runs and have birthday parties and Christmas celebrations to attend to.
If you know me personally you know Christmas is not something I go all out on. I grew up with a mother who saw the Hallmark store as a challenge and we would spend a solid week putting up decorations and a week after taking them down. My house now is simple, a tree, stockings and a few sentimental decorations. For me Christmas isn't about the decorations, Santa or the traditions its about a big birthday party and celebrating the life Jesus lived and that he died for our sins.  We don't go see santa at the mall, we do the Elf on a Shelf because the book talks about saying your prayers. Santa does visit and we have a birthday cake for Jesus.


Luke 11:2-4
He said to them When you pray say, Father Hallowed be your name your Kingdom come. Give us your day our daily bread, forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us and lead us not into temptation.

We are to ask for our daily bread, forgiveness for our sins, and forgive those who have sins against us and ask him to lead us away from temptation.

Lead me not into Temptation...because I can always find it my self and usually know a short cut. Not something to be proud of and I am not boasting just stating the simple truth. I need to pray this prayer because while I am strong willed and don't fall prey to peer pressure (sound like a teenager saying that) I can find it on my own. Usually I am the leader...So praying for that and forgiveness for my sins is a big one for me.


Dear Lord,

I ask for your forgiveness for my sins...they are great and many and I ask for the help to forgive those who have done wrong to me. You and me and have been working on a big one of those and I have faith that I will be able to forgive. I also ask you help me steer clear of temptation.



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