

Monday, September 13, 2010

National ADHD Awareness Day/Week

Today is the start of National ADHD Week. Anyone live with an ADHD Child? I do!

I have a saying " Celebrate it, not Ridicule it"

Its part of who they are! Its what makes them special & unique! While that is being said I know it can be EXTREMLY Frustrating on living with an ADHD Child. Homework is a nightmare, their bedroom is a mess and they simply dont know how to fix it. :)

Thats where Mommys come in. Weather you are the mommy who using the all natural diet, supplements or the mom who opts for medication. You are a wonderful mommy! I cant tell you how many parents are out their who simply refuse to see that their child is having troubles and need some help. No matter how you choose to handle ADHD (and its different for everychild) we all know the mantra that comes along with what ever path we choose. I have been told horrible things because I choose medication. That being said I did try the all natural diet and the supplements and they simply did not work for her, I did try I promise! I do know some children who respond very well to the diet or the supplements. It just didnt work for my little one. So taking the medication route you know about all the trips to the doctor, side effects, doseage and headache it takes. UGH...But in the long run when they bring home the 100 on an assignment you know its all worth it.

My little is repeating her grade, I felt horrible about the discission but her ADHD simply prevented her from paying attention in class! We spent all last year playing with her medications, trying diff ones and combinations and dosage amounts. So by the time we found something that worked it was too late she had missed the building blocks and was struggling to keep up.

As a mother I feel proud of my ADHD Child, I wish it were me who suffered from it (oh wait...I do...I have ADD) instead of her. I wish it didnt make her feel self consious or self aware. I wish all the nasty probs that go along with ADHD werent there (inability to control her volume, blurting out, definance, friend issues) and that I could make it all better, but I do what I can when I can and as much as I can. I am mommy HEAR ME ROAR! LMAO I love that saying!!!

Take a moment today to educate your self on ADHD and the problems we as parents face in dealing with it and the general population that just does not understand. Maybe next time when you see an ADHD child and a very exhausted parent you will be quicker to understand than look down your nose at them and think horrible thoughts. Its not easy by any means but its better than some of the other childhood problems (autism, mental retardation, social anxietys or a rase diease)

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