

Monday, September 20, 2010

Good Bye Earl ; I hope you Dance

My teenage years where the best, simply the best. I had the best friend any girl could ever ask for, I actually pray my daughter has a "Carrie" as a friend when she is older.

Carrie my BF of high school and well still a friend today, our lives have taken different paths that don't cross as much as they use to but I know if I picked up that phone today it would be just like old times. We have face book, this hear blog and my space and who could forget text messaging to keep up with each other.

I herd a song today by the Dixie Chicks that transforms my current state of mind and makes me smile beyond measure. As a friend of mine said "It makes my heart smile". If you ever herd the song you would probably think " ummm what?" but it isn't necessarily the song that told our lives but the lives we lived while it was playing.

All my life I have had friends, and family around me but none to date could simply compare with the way Carrie was back when i needed her the most and the best part was I didn't even know I needed her she was always there. Thank you!

Late night sleep overs, stock shows, Ag class, or just jamming in her truck with the radio loud, windows down and the heater on. Or when she bought her truck and I got one of the first rides and I got the seatbelt stuck. Or the time we ate all of the cookies in that Christmas tin and you got sick and had to go home. Or when it snowed, really snowed and we made snow angles in the street, or how we drove by our "crushes" homes.

FFA Convention - Corpus Christi Texas...what a trip. I can still hear the song that was popular then and see all the blue and gold jackets flooding the convention. The bird pooping on Ashleys hair, the hermit crabs, our back seat DJ-ing we did and the shoes...oh how our feet hurt...or at least mine did, the jelly fish stings and calls to home. In my pocket of my FFA jacket I still have one of those lifesaver mints, our lime green "voting" bands, and a knee high panty hose, I believe thats carries...I went with full blown panty hose or none at all. IDK how I got it but I am sure there is a good story behind it.

I herd these too songs today both on my way to work and I don't know just figured I would tell the world (or the little piece of it a that reads this) what a good friend I had and how these two songs mean to me...ironically not what the songs are about.

Thank you, I am thankful

** Yes Carolyn if fully aware that this blog probably makes no sense and is just a bunch of rambling about times you know nothing about, but just know that this silly blogger was happy today because a radio station played songs that made me smile**

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