

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fabric Softner...Homemade

I know you might be thinking....ummm..yuck...but seriously it works and cost as little as 0.01 to make. Thats what I call being frugal, and it works really well. My only draw back on it is with out essental oils to add fragrance you smell vingar while its warshing. That being said its only a slight smell and you DO NOT smell it in your clothes at all!! Its perfect for HE machines, works well on all kinds of clothes and for those who have skin allergies it even more perfect. It also helps with stain lifting.

Below is the receipe I used, I did not double it....and I did not at fragrance to my first batch and while making my second I did but honestly i like no smell at all.

1 Gallon Bucket
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Baking Soda
6 Cups Distilled Vingar
6 Cups Water

In the Gallon bucket place the 1 cup water & 1 cup baking soda, then add your 6 cups vingar. As you may know it will fizz (hense the large bucket) let it fizz for a moment, you may want to stir to make sure all the baking soda is being absored. Then add in your 6 cups water, you can stir at this point. Dont be worried if it still fizzes its normal. Now add in your essential oils (appox 10 drops)

Pour into your container of choice and use no more than 1cup per load, I used an old downy container that I cleaned and even ran though the dish warsher. I always give a little shake before pouring. If your clothes smell like vingar after drying, use less. The added extra bonus is it cleans your machine, is healthy for the earth and if you live on septic it gives you an extra bonus of making your septic work more efficently.

Tomarrow I will post how to make your own dish warsher detergent...it works!


  1. I have a recipe I use and it calls for hair conditioner ;-)

  2. I tried that and with our older septic system it "coated" the pipe that sends the "gray water" to the septic...so sadly I had to quit this. I do have a few friends on septic and it works for them. Sadly I cant do conditioner :(

  3. What about adding vinegar to it ?




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