

Monday, March 14, 2016

Dump & Dine 2016

****2018 UPDATE***
I added FREE Printable / Fill able Calendars to help you plan. Its easier to plan if you can see weeks/months laid out before you. Some of you hate your handwriting (ME!!!) so I made them fillable.

I have added two additional Meal Plans from $5 Dinner Mom , and lots a fun Extras
(See Below)

I know the title sounds a little weird but its what we call it at our house because we do dump it in a bag to freeze then we dump it again to eat.  How simple is that?
I like most people have been on Pinterest finding easy peasy ways to save money, have the time for home cooked meals, and of course that save time.
I wondered into the wilderness of "Once a Month Cooking", "Freezer Meals" and finally my favorite "Dump" meals....ALONE.
My poor family has suffered via trail and error over the past several months but we have come out to the other side! So I am sharing my wisdom with you in hopes you wont have to suffer the freezer cooking wilderness alone.
I must note that I had originally made the first menu/shopping list with 10 meals in mind. I executed 10 meals into perfectly labeled vacuumed sealed bags and stored in my freezer. Sadly two of them did not make it to final production. Some of the papers will say 10 meals but I have tried my best to mark it out and put 8.  I had the infinite wisdom (sarcasm implied)  to create an uneditable PDF document on my first set so I couldn't change the paperwork to read 8. Sorry in advance.  
A couple of notes...these do not have to be crockpot meals. They can be thawed and cooked into a 9x13 pan. On more than one occasion I had left the house with out putting it into the crock pot and forgetting that tid bit until I came home and realized I didn't smell something delicious.  You also don't have to vacuum seal them, I just happened to have a hand one with bag. Any gallon freezer baggie or glass 9x13 with a lid will work.
Most of the recipes are in original form, if I did make a change it was for the better or two my taste. If it was for the better I changed the recipe if it was for my taste I put it on the recipe in (   ) beside the original .
Oh last golden nugget of advice......Buy the groceries one night and get up early the next morning and dump them. TRUST ME by the time you fight your way through a grocery store, get it in the car, into the house and on to the counter you will be simply too tired to do it. Unless you wonder woman and if so power on girlfriend! Since I work full time I found it easier to do the shopping on a Thursday night and dump on Friday morning (I don't work Fridays).
So here we go!

Lunch and Dinner Printable and Fillable Calendar HERE
Breakfast and Snack Printable and Fillable Calendar HERE
Both List, Recipes  can be found all in this one little nifty spot HERE
1st Shopping List Can be Downloaded HERE
1st Recipe List Can be Downloaded HERE
2nd Shopping List Can be Downloaded HERE
2nd Recipe List Can be Downloaded HERE

***2017 Added Recipes***

20 Meal Breakfast Lunch & Dinner for $150  Here
20 Slow Cooker Freezer Meals HERE (This plan has a separate shopping list)
Shopping List for Slow Cooker Meals HERE

Just for Extra
Grab and Go Muffin Mix HERE
Homemade Seasoning Mix HERE
Monthly Meal Planner Blank HERE
Weekly Meal Planner Blank HERE
Shopping List Blank HERE




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