Such a small word, such a HUGE meaning. We all want to have courage, whether is in a day to day aspect of our lives, to face the bully at school and show her no fear, to do the unthinkable because its what you need to do, to follow your dreams, to speak your mimd, to stand up for something you believe it. If you dont stand for something you will fall for what it takes to stand up.
Courage is what it takes to see a path you want and go towards it. Faith is what it takes to get us there. You cant have one with out the other. The drive to do that one thing you always wanted to do, its faith that keeps you there, keeps you strong and steady.
The first always the longest stride. Faith is knowing that that second step will be there, that there will ways be a light at the end of the tunnel, that every cloud has a sliver lining and faith is always beliving that everythign happens for a reason.
We often come to a bridge with two paths but we can only take one. Which one do we choose, which one is right for us, which one do we honestly deep down in the gut know we should take.... Courage is what it takes to pick that bridge for ourselfs...Faith is what keeps us there, on our path (assuming its not illegal activity)and steadfast in our fight.
Most often the answer to our problems is on our knees. what we have and God is what gives it to us.
2012 a year of choices based on our goals and Faith in God to see us through