I love Fall
I love Cooler Weather
I love Leaves falling to the ground in the most beautiful colors
I love that it leads to Thanksgiving
I love to Decorate for Fall
I love Fall
If you havent noticed.....we had our first fall day today, it was 45 degrees at 5:30am!! YAY!!!!! FALL IS HERE, FALL IS HERE, FALL IS HERE, FALL IS HERE, FALL IS HERE
I did buy some fall decor for the office this past weekend, I didnt spend alot, there is some really cute stuff at Dollar Tree and Walmart. I cant wait to decorate!
That being said I have goats that could use my assitantce this morning (with what IDK, just wanna enjoy this weather) so grab a cup of coffee and meet me at the gate and we can do some chatting, bs-ing and enjoying this weather.
Love ya
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Good Bye Earl ; I hope you Dance
My teenage years where the best, simply the best. I had the best friend any girl could ever ask for, I actually pray my daughter has a "Carrie" as a friend when she is older.
Carrie my BF of high school and well still a friend today, our lives have taken different paths that don't cross as much as they use to but I know if I picked up that phone today it would be just like old times. We have face book, this hear blog and my space and who could forget text messaging to keep up with each other.
I herd a song today by the Dixie Chicks that transforms my current state of mind and makes me smile beyond measure. As a friend of mine said "It makes my heart smile". If you ever herd the song you would probably think " ummm what?" but it isn't necessarily the song that told our lives but the lives we lived while it was playing.
All my life I have had friends, and family around me but none to date could simply compare with the way Carrie was back when i needed her the most and the best part was I didn't even know I needed her she was always there. Thank you!
Late night sleep overs, stock shows, Ag class, or just jamming in her truck with the radio loud, windows down and the heater on. Or when she bought her truck and I got one of the first rides and I got the seatbelt stuck. Or the time we ate all of the cookies in that Christmas tin and you got sick and had to go home. Or when it snowed, really snowed and we made snow angles in the street, or how we drove by our "crushes" homes.
FFA Convention - Corpus Christi Texas...what a trip. I can still hear the song that was popular then and see all the blue and gold jackets flooding the convention. The bird pooping on Ashleys hair, the hermit crabs, our back seat DJ-ing we did and the shoes...oh how our feet hurt...or at least mine did, the jelly fish stings and calls to home. In my pocket of my FFA jacket I still have one of those lifesaver mints, our lime green "voting" bands, and a knee high panty hose, I believe thats carries...I went with full blown panty hose or none at all. IDK how I got it but I am sure there is a good story behind it.
I herd these too songs today both on my way to work and I don't know just figured I would tell the world (or the little piece of it a that reads this) what a good friend I had and how these two songs mean to me...ironically not what the songs are about.
Thank you, I am thankful
** Yes Carolyn if fully aware that this blog probably makes no sense and is just a bunch of rambling about times you know nothing about, but just know that this silly blogger was happy today because a radio station played songs that made me smile**
Carrie my BF of high school and well still a friend today, our lives have taken different paths that don't cross as much as they use to but I know if I picked up that phone today it would be just like old times. We have face book, this hear blog and my space and who could forget text messaging to keep up with each other.
I herd a song today by the Dixie Chicks that transforms my current state of mind and makes me smile beyond measure. As a friend of mine said "It makes my heart smile". If you ever herd the song you would probably think " ummm what?" but it isn't necessarily the song that told our lives but the lives we lived while it was playing.
All my life I have had friends, and family around me but none to date could simply compare with the way Carrie was back when i needed her the most and the best part was I didn't even know I needed her she was always there. Thank you!
Late night sleep overs, stock shows, Ag class, or just jamming in her truck with the radio loud, windows down and the heater on. Or when she bought her truck and I got one of the first rides and I got the seatbelt stuck. Or the time we ate all of the cookies in that Christmas tin and you got sick and had to go home. Or when it snowed, really snowed and we made snow angles in the street, or how we drove by our "crushes" homes.
FFA Convention - Corpus Christi Texas...what a trip. I can still hear the song that was popular then and see all the blue and gold jackets flooding the convention. The bird pooping on Ashleys hair, the hermit crabs, our back seat DJ-ing we did and the shoes...oh how our feet hurt...or at least mine did, the jelly fish stings and calls to home. In my pocket of my FFA jacket I still have one of those lifesaver mints, our lime green "voting" bands, and a knee high panty hose, I believe thats carries...I went with full blown panty hose or none at all. IDK how I got it but I am sure there is a good story behind it.
I herd these too songs today both on my way to work and I don't know just figured I would tell the world (or the little piece of it a that reads this) what a good friend I had and how these two songs mean to me...ironically not what the songs are about.
Thank you, I am thankful
** Yes Carolyn if fully aware that this blog probably makes no sense and is just a bunch of rambling about times you know nothing about, but just know that this silly blogger was happy today because a radio station played songs that made me smile**
Fiesta Ware!
Have I told you I just discovered Fiesta Ware?
Ok if not....
Have I told you how much I love it??!!
Ok if not....
I LOVE FIESTA WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is taken care of let me tell you about a spot my neise Leah just turned me on to. Canton Dish Barn, Google it, it has its own website!!
They sale First Run new Fiesta Ware and Second Run Fiesta Ware. Second run is something that is not perfect, sometimes you cant even tell. At oh so wonderful prices!! In the Second Run you can find discontinued colors and sizes and such.
Go and tell me you didn't like it or didn't find a good deal, I will faint. I have to save up some more money but I am SO going again. I want the bake ware, mixing bowls and veggie bowls and...well the list could go on and on! LOL
So take a moment to discover fiesta ware if you haven't already and then get your booty down to Canton Dish Barn and pick up some really good buys!
I give them 4 Tumbs up...I would give 5 but I bought all of their Chartreuse (color)fiesta ware and they didnt have any more!! (shock) But considering its discontinued I cant blame them so ok 5 thumbs up.
Ok if not....
Have I told you how much I love it??!!
Ok if not....
I LOVE FIESTA WARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now that is taken care of let me tell you about a spot my neise Leah just turned me on to. Canton Dish Barn, Google it, it has its own website!!
They sale First Run new Fiesta Ware and Second Run Fiesta Ware. Second run is something that is not perfect, sometimes you cant even tell. At oh so wonderful prices!! In the Second Run you can find discontinued colors and sizes and such.
Go and tell me you didn't like it or didn't find a good deal, I will faint. I have to save up some more money but I am SO going again. I want the bake ware, mixing bowls and veggie bowls and...well the list could go on and on! LOL
So take a moment to discover fiesta ware if you haven't already and then get your booty down to Canton Dish Barn and pick up some really good buys!
I give them 4 Tumbs up...I would give 5 but I bought all of their Chartreuse (color)fiesta ware and they didnt have any more!! (shock) But considering its discontinued I cant blame them so ok 5 thumbs up.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bad Dog!
I have the little wonderful Lhasa Aposa named Jack

Who is my baby, and I love very much

And then I have my Gentle Giant...KeeNodge...who is too big to be my baby but I love him OHHH SO MUCH!!

These two were given a pigs ear rawhide each to eat and play with....did that work...NO they faught over them and Jack being who he is feels threatened by KeeNodge because he was there first. So Jack snaps at KeeNodge and in the process my daughter decideds to resolve this solution by taking Jacks rawhide away...Poor baby girl...she got bit. :( I spanked both dogs, put them in keenels and while only one was at fault they should have eatten their own rawhides instead of arguing over one.
My girl is allright, no stitches no nothing major. Her big toe. Jack is still in his kennell today. I dont know how to feel about him, my first instinct is to protect my girl but he has no history of this ever!! Sure he has snapped at her sometimes but if I pulled you on the bed by your ears I would snap at you too, or tried sitting on you to paint your nails. He always takes this all in stried and cries for me to rescue him. LOL Silly boy.... We are going to wait and see. I dont want to give up my baby Jack but we CANNOT have a dog that does that.

Who is my baby, and I love very much

And then I have my Gentle Giant...KeeNodge...who is too big to be my baby but I love him OHHH SO MUCH!!

These two were given a pigs ear rawhide each to eat and play with....did that work...NO they faught over them and Jack being who he is feels threatened by KeeNodge because he was there first. So Jack snaps at KeeNodge and in the process my daughter decideds to resolve this solution by taking Jacks rawhide away...Poor baby girl...she got bit. :( I spanked both dogs, put them in keenels and while only one was at fault they should have eatten their own rawhides instead of arguing over one.
My girl is allright, no stitches no nothing major. Her big toe. Jack is still in his kennell today. I dont know how to feel about him, my first instinct is to protect my girl but he has no history of this ever!! Sure he has snapped at her sometimes but if I pulled you on the bed by your ears I would snap at you too, or tried sitting on you to paint your nails. He always takes this all in stried and cries for me to rescue him. LOL Silly boy.... We are going to wait and see. I dont want to give up my baby Jack but we CANNOT have a dog that does that.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Going Back to School... Is not Easy to Do!
I want to start this by saying I have a wonderful husband, he is just awesome. There are some days he gets on my last nerve but overall...hes great. He decided last week that he wanted to go back to school, he called the school counsler and meet with them last night. He came home with a wonderful packet on his choice of career and then he handed me the tution bill. Uh Oh
18,548.00!!!! WOW Alot for only 13 months!!! Then he said "But honey I did a student loan, and it included all my books and materials and I got a little pale grant. So in 18 months we will start paying 250.00 a month for my tution." As I slowly recover from my heart attack I tell him that its ok and we will survive. I told him we would do this, then he says "Ya I am going to have to give up alot to go back to school but I want to do it so bad or provide for my family"
That being said I know you are thinking " awe so sweet" but in my head this is what I am thinking " Ya I gotta give up alot too, my dishwarsher, homework helper, goat feeder, bedtime story reader, boggie man catcher, cat litter box emptier" LMAO I know thats awful, and some of his classes he will just be ont he computer at home. I am very proud of him, and am extremly proud to say "Yep thats my husband".
Till Tommarow...Later Gaters
Gotta Head to Work
18,548.00!!!! WOW Alot for only 13 months!!! Then he said "But honey I did a student loan, and it included all my books and materials and I got a little pale grant. So in 18 months we will start paying 250.00 a month for my tution." As I slowly recover from my heart attack I tell him that its ok and we will survive. I told him we would do this, then he says "Ya I am going to have to give up alot to go back to school but I want to do it so bad or provide for my family"
That being said I know you are thinking " awe so sweet" but in my head this is what I am thinking " Ya I gotta give up alot too, my dishwarsher, homework helper, goat feeder, bedtime story reader, boggie man catcher, cat litter box emptier" LMAO I know thats awful, and some of his classes he will just be ont he computer at home. I am very proud of him, and am extremly proud to say "Yep thats my husband".
Till Tommarow...Later Gaters
Gotta Head to Work
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dorito Chicken Bake...Yummo! :)
Dorito Chicken Bake
1 Bag Doritos (reg size)
3lbs Chicken, bonelss skin less
1 pkg Taco Seasoning
1 ziplock bag, gallon size
1 Can Cream of CHicken
1 can Cream of Mushroom
1 Can Mild Rotel
1 Cup Sour Cream
Sheered Cheese
Cut up raw chicken in to bite size pieces, place into ziplock baggie. Sprinkle Taco seasoning over chicken, close baggie and shake to coat well. Place in fridge for 2 hours or less, I did mine for 1 hour
Cook chicken on stove top in frying pan until done.
Crunch up bag of doritos and place in bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Great job for the kids
Place chicken on top
In a mixing bowl combine Cream of Mushroom, Cream of CHicken, Rotel and Sour cream and pour over chicken.
Bake at 350 for 45 mins. Then remove from oven, turn oven off and sprinkle with as much shreeded cheese as you want. Return to oven and let cheese melt.
ENJOY!! Its really yummo!
1 Bag Doritos (reg size)
3lbs Chicken, bonelss skin less
1 pkg Taco Seasoning
1 ziplock bag, gallon size
1 Can Cream of CHicken
1 can Cream of Mushroom
1 Can Mild Rotel
1 Cup Sour Cream
Sheered Cheese
Cut up raw chicken in to bite size pieces, place into ziplock baggie. Sprinkle Taco seasoning over chicken, close baggie and shake to coat well. Place in fridge for 2 hours or less, I did mine for 1 hour
Cook chicken on stove top in frying pan until done.
Crunch up bag of doritos and place in bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Great job for the kids
Place chicken on top
In a mixing bowl combine Cream of Mushroom, Cream of CHicken, Rotel and Sour cream and pour over chicken.
Bake at 350 for 45 mins. Then remove from oven, turn oven off and sprinkle with as much shreeded cheese as you want. Return to oven and let cheese melt.
ENJOY!! Its really yummo!
National ADHD Awareness Day/Week
Today is the start of National ADHD Week. Anyone live with an ADHD Child? I do!
I have a saying " Celebrate it, not Ridicule it"
Its part of who they are! Its what makes them special & unique! While that is being said I know it can be EXTREMLY Frustrating on living with an ADHD Child. Homework is a nightmare, their bedroom is a mess and they simply dont know how to fix it. :)
Thats where Mommys come in. Weather you are the mommy who using the all natural diet, supplements or the mom who opts for medication. You are a wonderful mommy! I cant tell you how many parents are out their who simply refuse to see that their child is having troubles and need some help. No matter how you choose to handle ADHD (and its different for everychild) we all know the mantra that comes along with what ever path we choose. I have been told horrible things because I choose medication. That being said I did try the all natural diet and the supplements and they simply did not work for her, I did try I promise! I do know some children who respond very well to the diet or the supplements. It just didnt work for my little one. So taking the medication route you know about all the trips to the doctor, side effects, doseage and headache it takes. UGH...But in the long run when they bring home the 100 on an assignment you know its all worth it.
My little is repeating her grade, I felt horrible about the discission but her ADHD simply prevented her from paying attention in class! We spent all last year playing with her medications, trying diff ones and combinations and dosage amounts. So by the time we found something that worked it was too late she had missed the building blocks and was struggling to keep up.
As a mother I feel proud of my ADHD Child, I wish it were me who suffered from it (oh wait...I do...I have ADD) instead of her. I wish it didnt make her feel self consious or self aware. I wish all the nasty probs that go along with ADHD werent there (inability to control her volume, blurting out, definance, friend issues) and that I could make it all better, but I do what I can when I can and as much as I can. I am mommy HEAR ME ROAR! LMAO I love that saying!!!
Take a moment today to educate your self on ADHD and the problems we as parents face in dealing with it and the general population that just does not understand. Maybe next time when you see an ADHD child and a very exhausted parent you will be quicker to understand than look down your nose at them and think horrible thoughts. Its not easy by any means but its better than some of the other childhood problems (autism, mental retardation, social anxietys or a rase diease)
I have a saying " Celebrate it, not Ridicule it"
Its part of who they are! Its what makes them special & unique! While that is being said I know it can be EXTREMLY Frustrating on living with an ADHD Child. Homework is a nightmare, their bedroom is a mess and they simply dont know how to fix it. :)
Thats where Mommys come in. Weather you are the mommy who using the all natural diet, supplements or the mom who opts for medication. You are a wonderful mommy! I cant tell you how many parents are out their who simply refuse to see that their child is having troubles and need some help. No matter how you choose to handle ADHD (and its different for everychild) we all know the mantra that comes along with what ever path we choose. I have been told horrible things because I choose medication. That being said I did try the all natural diet and the supplements and they simply did not work for her, I did try I promise! I do know some children who respond very well to the diet or the supplements. It just didnt work for my little one. So taking the medication route you know about all the trips to the doctor, side effects, doseage and headache it takes. UGH...But in the long run when they bring home the 100 on an assignment you know its all worth it.
My little is repeating her grade, I felt horrible about the discission but her ADHD simply prevented her from paying attention in class! We spent all last year playing with her medications, trying diff ones and combinations and dosage amounts. So by the time we found something that worked it was too late she had missed the building blocks and was struggling to keep up.
As a mother I feel proud of my ADHD Child, I wish it were me who suffered from it (oh wait...I do...I have ADD) instead of her. I wish it didnt make her feel self consious or self aware. I wish all the nasty probs that go along with ADHD werent there (inability to control her volume, blurting out, definance, friend issues) and that I could make it all better, but I do what I can when I can and as much as I can. I am mommy HEAR ME ROAR! LMAO I love that saying!!!
Take a moment today to educate your self on ADHD and the problems we as parents face in dealing with it and the general population that just does not understand. Maybe next time when you see an ADHD child and a very exhausted parent you will be quicker to understand than look down your nose at them and think horrible thoughts. Its not easy by any means but its better than some of the other childhood problems (autism, mental retardation, social anxietys or a rase diease)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Oh Me Oh My!
I thought today was Firday, I got all excited about sleeping in tommarow and today being payday....OH YAY! I got up took my kids to the school bus (even though they dont go to school on Friday) and went home to get ready for work.
I head to work, and suddenly....I feel exhausted, heartbroken and all the blood drain out of my face...I realized it was Thursday. OH Gee Golly Whiz!!! Thursday?! Are you Effin kidding me? Seriously Thursday? After several of the same rants I give in and realize no matter how much poutting its still going to be thursday. :(
But hey...Tommarow IS Friday!
I head to work, and suddenly....I feel exhausted, heartbroken and all the blood drain out of my face...I realized it was Thursday. OH Gee Golly Whiz!!! Thursday?! Are you Effin kidding me? Seriously Thursday? After several of the same rants I give in and realize no matter how much poutting its still going to be thursday. :(
But hey...Tommarow IS Friday!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
An old fashion way of walking on a sunny day, nothing important to do, no were special to be just enjoying life. You dont see this much now days, or hear people use the word much well I have to say my daughter Chandler is single handedly bringing back the "Mosey".
She is country as the day is long, she is no hurry to be anyware and not really intrested in anything inparticular just mosey-ing her way about. This is how she plays baseball as well or completes an important task in speed.
Picture this: A rainey day, the gate is open and I ask her to close it....she "mosey's" her way down the drive way, slowly grabbs the gate and gentely closes it shut. The hole time i say says "Hurry honey, its pouring down rain!! Hurry Chan you will catch a cold!! CHANDLER HURRY!!!" She then turns around and moseys back to the house. A hot summer day in the sun at a baseball field, she gets the most important hit of the game the bleachers are yelling "RUN RUN RUN" mommy & daddy are yelling "RUN CHAN, HURRRY, NOW CHAN HURRY" and shes out on first base. She sees no real importance of getting to the base on time she just thinks "gosh almighty people, shush up I am hurrying" then after the game she says " How come we lost?"
May people may simply say she is just lazy, while others say she dont understand the game I say...we are mostly to blame. :) We have stressed that the simple slow life in the country and enjoying the simple things in life are the most important. I guess she listened to well (for the first time) because she is in no hurry to do anything.
Several years from now when the Mosey is back in style please remember this blog and know that my youngest is responsible for that movement...then again maybe we should thank her.
She is country as the day is long, she is no hurry to be anyware and not really intrested in anything inparticular just mosey-ing her way about. This is how she plays baseball as well or completes an important task in speed.
Picture this: A rainey day, the gate is open and I ask her to close it....she "mosey's" her way down the drive way, slowly grabbs the gate and gentely closes it shut. The hole time i say says "Hurry honey, its pouring down rain!! Hurry Chan you will catch a cold!! CHANDLER HURRY!!!" She then turns around and moseys back to the house. A hot summer day in the sun at a baseball field, she gets the most important hit of the game the bleachers are yelling "RUN RUN RUN" mommy & daddy are yelling "RUN CHAN, HURRRY, NOW CHAN HURRY" and shes out on first base. She sees no real importance of getting to the base on time she just thinks "gosh almighty people, shush up I am hurrying" then after the game she says " How come we lost?"
May people may simply say she is just lazy, while others say she dont understand the game I say...we are mostly to blame. :) We have stressed that the simple slow life in the country and enjoying the simple things in life are the most important. I guess she listened to well (for the first time) because she is in no hurry to do anything.
Several years from now when the Mosey is back in style please remember this blog and know that my youngest is responsible for that movement...then again maybe we should thank her.
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