

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

NKJV Luke 21

Well I am feeling better just sluggish..made 40 cake pops till 1am last night and I am exhausted!

Hope your days are going well, things are quite busy around here! Come on Dec 26th...ya know when things finally calm down and we can appreciate the joy of Christmas.

Chapter 21 Finds us in the temple and the widow offers up all her money she had to live on..Jesus noticed this and praises her.  The remained of the chapter talks about the end of ages. Found it kinda funny that Chapter 21 was to be read on Dec 21 (I am a few days ahead) and that's when they say the world is going to end. While I know we wont know the day or hour...I have to say in the back of my mind...the devil is playing around and trying to gain ground. I found Comfort in this chapter. Then the devil started giving me thoughts. Ugh. Seriously don't he know by now to leave me alone!?


Luke 21 8-9
He replied " Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he ' and 'The time is near'. Do not follow them. When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. Theses things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.

We wont know the date, time or hour


Have faith! Trust! Don't believe false prophets!


Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day as we know it is a gift from you, we ask that those who don't know you will soon find you.  We thank you for the comfort of your word, when others predict the end of the world and while we try not to notice it...it sneaks into our brains and we cant help the doubt but your world is always solid and secure.


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