

Sunday, August 25, 2013

S.O.A.P. James 5

Rereading my SOAP on James 4 ...I realized my SOAP sounds rushed...I didn't mean for it to be and honestly I think I did rush it...why I cant say except I think I was more preoccupied with getting it done and on to something else. I know...its awful and I hope you can forgive me.

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12 Above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple “Yes” or “No.” Otherwise you will be condemned.


LOL Ok I am not laughing at God or the Bible but at swearing part. I just said I need to work on this. I have a potty mouth....it runs away from me and I tell innappoarte jokes to people. I am an outcast at church. I try hard I do and I hate to say that swearing has become second nature to me. But I don't think the above verse just applies to curse words but to "Swearing on my mom" kind of stuff. Yes should be Yes's and no's should be no's...we should be a person of character so our word should be taken as is...with out having to swear upon anything for us to be believed.


They say it takes 2 weeks to break a habit...well...here goes my two weeks...of not swearing (curse words) & swear (on people like verse says). I need to stop...I know it because I can see it in peoples faces and I know how taken back I am when I hear people use it in day to day conversation. So no more curse words or swearing on people. We need to stop it anyway...how can we show God in us...when we drop the F or S bomb in general conversation.


Dear Lord,

Here I sit the night before the first day of school and I have so many hopes for this year with a new school and beginning. So on this night of new beginnings ....help me work on my mouth. Not by any tragic accident or happening...but by will and your grace and help. I don't like my self using them, and I try to not but I hate to say they became second nature. Help me not be so second nature and let the words come out of my mouth on a daily basis be those I wont be afraid to speak in church.


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