

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Captin Green....Captin Chandler

I have nothing against recycling or saving the earth, its just something I dont do often. I mean I dont litter and I do use green products in my home but i dont recycle and i am not worried about my carbon footprint so you must imagine how much of a shock it was to me to see how worried my daughter is aobut the earth. Since Kindergarden she has been recycling when she can, talking about saving the earth, gets her friends to recycle and is so happy when she sees recycling containers or recycled products.

She wants to save the earth, and single handly she can! She is always talking about saving energy, gas, earth and is worried about her carbon footprint. Now she is quite young and probly shouldnt be worrying about these thigns but due to nicklodean and disney chanel she is. She came to me one day crying because her friend wont put her lunch sack in the recycling bin, she said she has asked her and told her about the earth and wanted me to give her suggestions on how to win her over. A little girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders. I see great things.... lots of great things ahead for her. I told her to offer to take her friends trash and recycle it her self or ask the teacher to do a lesson on recycling. Long story short her friend now recycles her lunch sack and if I herd her correctly a few other of her classmates are as well.

I could do more to save the earth and I will honestly try.

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