

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

NKJV Matthew 9

Hi Ho Hi Ho its off the work I go! I am ready for my routine! I know write that down but I am I miss the predictable and in a few weeks I will be begging for a 5 days off again. I know I will as our show seasons is starting to heat up. Fort Worth Stock Shows is always the first of the season, while we have no way of winning this ( don't get me wrong, my kid & her goats are winners....its just a different set of standards than we breed too) we just like to be a part of such a historic event.

Hope all of yalls New Years were good, lets hope this year is the year we keep our resolutions and make some changes. I need too...Seriously need too.

Chapter 9
Right out of the gate in Chapter 9 Jesus heals a paralytic, then he calls Matthew who was sitting at a tax collectors both and has dinner with him in his home. Jesus is then questioned about fasting, how come Johns disciples do it but Jesus disciples do not.  He then raises a girl from the dead and heals a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years; he then goes on to heal the blind and mute.


Matthew 9: 13
But go and learn what this means :"  I desire mercy, no sacrifice". For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

Simply put Jesus is responding to the Pharisees telling them that just because Matthew is not of their social standing dose not mean he is not worth of Jesus. He is there for everyone not just the wealthy or upstanding citizens of the community, but for everyone including those that everyone hates.

We all do it, we look down our noses at someone for their clothes, social standing or behavior when in reality we shouldn't judge but have mercy.  We can just preach to the wealthy but we must preach to the non wealthy and to those who others think done deserve it.


Dear Lord,

I ask for your forgiveness in this area, for I am not as diligent as I should be.  I also ask you help me to see the good in everyone.  I Thank you for this day and new year Lord, I ask that you help me with my resolutions...for this year they are vitally important. I also ask that you be with K, as you know her needs and struggles in the same area where I struggle..give her peace and understanding. I ask that you be with Ann, I cant imagine loosing a daughter. Be with L, and her addiction, help the recovery come soon and last long, with S, C, H, T, J , B, J as we return to work, may their business grow. Be with Lois's family as they are still dealing with their sudden loss, be with all the parents and families who lost their kids at school....makes sending mine so much hard, I hold tighter, cry more.  Be with them...for they are all suffering and dealing with a loss no parent should ever face. Bless this day and let it glorify you.   Let us travel safely today Lord and come back home to dwell as a family.
In your heavenly name,

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