

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years, Resolutions, Fireworks, Drinking and Celebrating!

The title pretty much sums up new years right?

Well like every new years we vow to make resolutions stick or not to make them, to better our selfs. We want to loose weight, quit smoking, quit drinking, quit drugs, do better and school and/or work, find the right man, have more kids, make more money, save more money or heck....just to be an all round better person.

Last year I vowed to not make any and just try to do my best. Well that didnt exactly work.... AT ALL.... but it was the same even if I did make resolutions.

So this year....I am going to make Afirmations.... Things I want to change, get or do.

1) Loose Weight
2) Find a Church I like and go, ya know like more than once in a blue moon.
3) Buy a Volvo C30 in RED...no more than 2 yrs old....and by October.

Thats it! 4! Easy right?!?! NOT

This year I am seriously going to put some effort into

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