

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I love Thanksgiving, and not because I am a big girl and love to eat but because its always been my favorite holiday.  I also cant think about this holiday and not miss my granddaddy.  Its safe to say he's the reason I love this holiday so much. Sure he loved the food but he also loved the family and how we gathered as such with no presents or traditions it was just us and we were thankful to be there with each other.

In a world where this holiday if often over looked for Christmas I have to take a moment and hit the stop button.  No Christmas song, decorations, movies or even talking about it UNTIL Thanksgiving is over!! We need to slow down and learn to be thankful for what we have and not rush to think about what we are going to get. We already got the best gift possible! Jesus Christ and forgiveness for our sins!!!  So why rush Thanksgiving to be over with?? 

Lets slow down, spend time with friends and family over a meal and enjoy the now.  Instead of planning our black Friday assault (which I will not be doing ever) lets sit down and tell old stories and plan up coming get together. Swap recipes and just be thankful for those that are with us.

Christmas is important but even God says to enter his Courts with Thanksgiving.

Lets take a moment to hit the stop button, slow down and be Thankful!

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