This is not a bucket list, I repeat : NOT A BUCKET LIST!
We only get this one life and most of us spend it by working too much, and not spending enough time with the family and making memories that are worth while. I want to when I am old and gray, raising hell in the nursing home to look back on my life and say " Yep I did that, I did what needed to be done but all my fun stuff along the way"
So I have set up a list of things I want to do before each birthday so that the last year while it was not wasted I want it to be a year where I did something I always wanted to do. No I will not be jumping out of planes or getting tattooed (allready am) but things that I think would be cool. Here Goes.... I warn you...some of it is Corney
Before 27 (April of this year!)
Buy a Pasta Maker- DONE!!
Read Gone with the Wind (My Fav Movie!!!)- DONE!!
Make my own Pasta Sauce and it be good!-- UMMMM I created one, not good.
Learn how to make a good Chicken Fried Steak & Roast - DONE!!
Get Right with God
Loose 20 Lbs
Forgive my Mother
Before 28
Read Scarlett --- All the way through this time
Make a good Pasta Recipe
Start (and Finsh) Beth Moores Esther Bible Study Series
Get a Professional Back Massage
Forgive my Mother
Loose an additional 30 lbs (so thats 50 before April 2011)
Learn Italian
Before 29
Hopefully another Son or Daughter (Yes I have names picked out!)
Start & Finish Beth Moore's bible study series on Ruth
Do a complicated (Stamped) cross stitch blanket for the bed
Learn how to make awesome Candles (or bars for my scentsy)
Loose an additional 30 lbs (so thats 80)
Forgive my Mother
Before 30
Be 100 lbs less than I was at 27, have another son or daughter
Do a Counted Cross Stitch
Learn to sew a Dress (and it look good!!)
Get a (another) Tattoo, I dont know what But I want to start 30 off right, something to remember my 20's by
Get me a New Truck
A Vacation at Gulf Shores Beach Alabama
Go to Montana
Forgive my Mother
Before 31
Renew me and Chucks Vows, and have a real wedding.
Be 150 lbs less than I was at 27
Forgive my mother
Before 32
hummmmm Still Thinking here
You may notice that Forgive my mother is on there every year, well I dont know how long it will take but I want to. I want to get it right with God and with his help I can forgive and forget and move on. She will always be that thing in my side that always hurts but I know that with Gods help it wont hurt as much, it wont hurt as long and forgiveness will come easier.